Bilevel optimization solvers

Bilevel optimization has the form

\begin{eqnarray}\min_{x,y} && F(x,y) \nonumber\\
\mbox{s.t.} && G(x,y)\leq 0,~ y\in \mbox{argmin}_y~ \lbrace f(x,y)\mid g(x,y)\leq 0\rbrace, \nonumber \end{eqnarray}

where $F,f:\mathbb{R}^{n_x}\times\mathbb{R}^{n_y}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, $G:\mathbb{R}^{n_x}\times\mathbb{R}^{n_y}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n_G}$ and $g:\mathbb{R}^{n_x}\times\mathbb{R}^{n_y}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n_g}$. A problem is linear if all involved functions are linear and nonlinear otherwise. We call a problem a simple bilevel optimization if there is no variable $x$ involved. This two level optimization can be transformed into a single-level version so that Semi-smooth Newton type method is able to be employed.

Bilevel optimization reformulations

SNLLVF: This approach is to transform the bilevel program into a single-level optimization problem by using the lower-level value function (LLVF) reformulation, namely, $g(x,y)\leq 0, f(x,y) = \varphi(x) := \underset{z}\min\lbrace f(x,z) \mid g(x,z)\leq 0 \rbrace$. By doing so, SNLLVF aims at solving a partial penalization

\begin{eqnarray}\min_{x,y} && F(x,y) + \lambda (f(x,y) -\varphi(x)) \nonumber\\
\mbox{ s.t. } && G(x,y)\leq 0,~ g(x,y)\leq 0. \nonumber \end{eqnarray}

SNQVI: This approach is to transform the bilevel program into a single-level optimization problem by converting the lower-level problem to the quasi-variational inequality conditions: $ \langle \nabla_y f(x,y), z-y \rangle \geq0, \forall~z: g(x,z)\leq 0$ for any $y: g(x,y)\leq 0$. Let $\varphi(x,y) := \underset{z}\min\lbrace\nabla_y f(x,y)^\top z \mid g(x,z)\leq 0 \rbrace$. By doing so, SNQVI aims at solving a partial penalization

\begin{eqnarray}\min_{x,y} && F(x,y)+ \lambda ( \nabla_y f(x,y)^\top y-\varphi(x,y) ) \nonumber\\
\mbox{ s.t. } && G(x,y)\leq 0, \ \ g(x,y)\leq 0. \nonumber \end{eqnarray}

SNKKT: This approach is to transform the bilevel program into a single-level optimization problem by converting the lower-level problem to the KKT conditions: $ \nabla_y f(x,y)-\nabla_y g(x,y)^\top z=0,~ g(x,y)\leq 0,~ z \leq 0,~ g(x,y)^\top z=0. $ By doing so, SNKKT aims at solving a partial penalization

\begin{eqnarray} \min_{x,y,z} && F(x,y)+ \lambda g(x,y)^\top z\nonumber\\
\mbox{ s.t. } && G(x,y)\leq 0, \ g(x,y)\leq 0,\ z \leq 0, \ \nabla_y f(x,y)-\nabla_y g(x,y)^\top z=0. \nonumber \end{eqnarray}

Demonstration of solvers

BiOpt-Solvers provides three solvers: SNLLVF, SNQVI and SNKKT based on the above three reformulations. Detailed instructions can be found in the menu-of-BiOpt. Here we give a simple example to illustrate it:

clc; clear; close all; 

ExName     = 'DempeDutta2012Ex24'; 
func       = str2func(ExName);
dim        = [1 1 0 1];     % required
pars.xy    = [1;1];         % optional

pars.lam   = 1;             % optional
pars.keep  = 0;             % optional 
pars.check = 1;             % optional

SolNo      = 1;     % choose a solver
Solvers    = {'SNLLVF','SNQVI','SNKKT'}; 
solver     = str2func(Solvers{SolNo});  
Out1       = solver(func, dim,  pars);
Each solver has two required inputs: 'func' defining the example and 'dim' recording dimensions of the example and an optional input 'pars'. Please see the menu-of-BiOpt for more details of 'pars'. The chosen solver is SNLLVF and solves one example 'DempeDutta2012Ex24' defined by the following Matlab m-file. This example is from BOLIBver2, where more examples are provided. The menu-of-BiOpt also presents other ways to define examples.

function w=DempeDutta2012Ex24(x,y,keyf,keyxy)
% This file provides all functions defining DempeDutta2012Ex24 problem and their first and second order derivatives.
% [dim_x dim_y dim_G dim_g] = [1 1 0 1]
if nargin<4 || isempty(keyxy)
    switch keyf
    case 'F'; w = (x-1)^2+y^2;
    case 'G'; w = []; 
    case 'f'; w = x^2*y;      
    case 'g'; w = y^2; 
    switch keyf
    case 'F'
        switch keyxy
        case 'x' ; w = 2*(x-1);         
        case 'y' ; w = 2*y;        
        case 'xx'; w = 2;
        case 'xy'; w = 0;
        case 'yy'; w = 2;
    case 'G'  
        switch keyxy
        case 'x' ; w = [];    
        case 'y' ; w = [];      
        case 'xx'; w = [];
        case 'xy'; w = [];
        case 'yy'; w = [];
    case 'f'   
        switch keyxy
        case 'x' ; w = 2*x*y;    
        case 'y' ; w = x^2;          
        case 'xx'; w = 2*y;
        case 'xy'; w = 2*x;
        case 'yy'; w = 0;
    case 'g'   
        switch keyxy
        case 'x' ; w =   0;  
        case 'y' ; w =   2*y;         
        case 'xx'; w =   0;  
        case 'xy'; w =   0;  
        case 'yy'; w =   2; 